wayne’s body shop | lincoln, nebraska


Waynes Body Shop, Lincoln, NE

The goal for the Wayne’s Body Shop project was to give the shop a new office, administration area, and to boost the business’s footprint.

Project Manager Kevin Riley says, “Our challenge was to create a façade concept that carried to all faces of the building complex and create the spaces needed for Wayne’s to operate out of and better serve their clients.”

Architectural Designer Dayna Hoch says, “We were able to give Wayne’s body shop a larger, updated office and electronics shop, while still paying homage to some of the historic brick detailing on the interior.”

The new entrance gives the shop a modern, prominent presence on the south side of the building with some eye-catching red framed storefront windows and a hand-painted building sign. Additionally, the new electronics shop gives them a larger and more clean environment for sensor realignment and electronic repair.

Kevin says, “Overall it was a fun project since the clients weren’t afraid of color, texture and form.” Dayna adds, “This was a great group of people to work with, and I believe we gave them a proper workspace for their spectacular business.”
